It’s now the 11th hour in the HMP pocket park development and creation. When the park was envisioned many years ago, the neighborhood came together under the leadership of many dedicated neighbors and donors to make it possible. While the park has been a favorite gathering place for many neighborhood social events and play areas for children, the final step has yet to be completed. After the removal of a large tree, the park is ready for its final section of fencing. And with that, HMP can put a period behind the long-awaited completed HMP pocket park. The park will continue to provide a safe gathering space for social events and play areas for many years to come. And as the neighborhood takes the time to enjoy the space, it is necessary to remember that a well-maintained park brings value and vibrancy to the surrounding areas. A poorly maintained park brings crime. It will be the responsibility of everyone to help maintain the park. Financial contributions are needed for ongoing maintenance and insurance. Beyond the financial requirements, the park needs volunteers to help keep the park clean and maintained. Park work days are planned throughout the year. If possible, please plan to participate.

Although the original plan was to dig the post holes for the final stretch of fence for the pocket park, Mother Nature had other plans. The post holes will be dug and fence installed as soon as the weather permits. But the rain did not stop the many volunteers from raking leaves and picking up trash in the park in anticipation of better weather and park fun days. Many hands make light work.