The annual Summer Cookout, scheduled for Saturday, June 27, 2020, will be reconfigured as a summer picnic and movie night (think IMA’s summer night movie series). Neighbors will bring their own food and have their own spot to enjoy the movie. The picnic format will allow folks to gather together and enjoy the company while maintaining social distancing by having a defined space for their family. The movie will be kid friendly.

Our social gatherings are a large part of the attraction of the neighborhood for many HMP neighbors. Unfortunately, many of our annual social events have been canceled or postponed. The HMPNA Board is mindful that individuals’ comfort levels with interaction and process for engaging socially vary widely. Therefore, the board is seeking ways to provide opportunities for increased interaction while keeping safety and courtesy to all neighbors in mind. Guidelines and planning will be a test of the neighborhood’s ability to ensure everyone’s safety and still make it an enjoyable celebration. Depending on gathering limits, the HMPNA may have to limit the number of neighbors who may join at a given time. Events will be planned based on the information available at the time; as information changes, plans may change too. Patience and understanding during this challenging time is greatly appreciated.