As in every year, we bring our neighborhood festivities to a close with the annual Holiday Party. Each year neighbors gather for food, drinks, singing and a visit from Santa. It’s an evening to share stories, unwind, and reflect of the year’s past, share in the excitement of the upcoming holiday, and plan for new resolutions.

This year’s Annual Christmas party will be at the home of David and Angela Colby at 3148 N. Pennsylvania St. The party will be Sunday December 15, 2013 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. Santa will visit the children and hopefully participate in a little Christmas Caroling. In addition to the Christmas Caroling, we will have live music to entertain us throughout the evening.

Guests are asked to bring a side dish to share and parents should bring a small wrapped gift of $10 or less with their child’s name clearly printed on the gift for Santa to give to the child. Gifts should be dropped off in advance at 3223 Washington Blvd.