Dear Neighbors and Friends,

With the start of the new year brings new dreams and opportunities for the neighborhood. If there were ever a time that we could dream BIG, 2011 is the year! Our neighborhood, as well as several surrounding neighborhoods, is engaged in a “Quality of Life Plan”.  We are now conducting hundreds of interviews to understand the needs of the neighborhood, set out a vision to make improvements, and find donors to help fund projects. Several eastside neighborhoods went through this process and it resulted in $30 million being poured into their neighborhoods! Imagine what HMP could do with a few million dollars!

Additionally, HMP will focus on 3 key priorities in 2011:

  • First, we will continue to focus on events that bring neighbors together and build community within HMP. However, we will also launch an “outreach committee’ to better reflect the diversity within HMP, hold events that will appeal to a more diverse audience, and institute a “helping neighbors in need” component to the Board’s efforts. So for those neighbors who do not normally attend neighborhood functions, we are coming for you!
  • Second, we will increase beautification efforts within HMP such as pursuing historic lighting and neighborhood entrance markers as well as expand trash clean-up efforts to our streets in addition to alleyways.
  • Last, we will develop historic renovation guidelines for the neighborhood and build partnerships with contractors to keep the historical integrity of our neighborhood intact.

Sound like lofty plans? I agree! But with determination, solidarity, and a good plan, we can take our neighborhood from a great place to live to one of the cities finest neighborhoods. We need the energy and diverse talents of ALL our neighbors to make it happen. Will you join us in making 2011 the year where we accomplished more than we ever dreamed imaginable?

Thank you for your confidence in me as your next HMPNA President. I understand that I have big shoes to fill! Many thanks to former President Doug Day for his three amazing years of leadership and service to HMP. Also thanks to our wonderful Board and their ongoing commitment and service to the neighborhood. They are the backbone of making HMP dreams come true!

All the best in 2011,
Cassie Mehlman-Rhys