To encourage friendly competition and understand where litter concentrates, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc., scores each block quarterly on a scale of 1 to 4. A score of 1 indicates a litter-free block, whereas 4 indicates heavily littered. Thanks to all who live on Delaware St between 31st and 32nd for helping to keep a clean block! That block received the highest rating of a 1.

KIB Adopt-A-Block Captains sign up to care for their block for a 2-year period.  Block captains commit to maintain their blocks, including any storm drains within it, free of litter and debris on an ongoing basis. In return for signing up to be a block captain, KIB provides tools and supplies to each block captain that includes a litter grabber, garbage bags, gloves, an Adopt-A-Block T-shirt, door hangers, and a choice of four (4) of the following items:

  • Broom
  • Shovel
  • Protective gloves
  • Scoop
  • Bucket
  • Reflective vest

Additionally, Block Captain meetings are hosted ~6 times a year to connect with the large community of Block Captains and access additional learning opportunities. An Adopt-A-Block metal sign can be obtained for a desired location. And each Block Captain is eligible to receive a FREE tree and FREE perennials in the fall each year while supplies last.

KIB provides additional gloves and trash bags as needed during regular business hours. Go to to register to be a block captain. Registration is easy and should not take more than a few minutes. Back up block captains are also welcome.