Homes are still needed! Delaware Street is close to having the requisite number of homes to meet the requirement. Pennsylvania Street between 30th & 32nd is close as is 33rd Street. Barely anyone has signed up from Washington Boulevard.. Remember there is safety in numbers and the more neighbors willing to participate, the better. Signup is easy and takes less than a minute of your time. Go to

The Crime Watch Program is a free, community-based, all-inclusive initiative that has proven to be one of the best ways to strengthen communities by helping neighbors to get to know each other, developing effective communication systems, and engaging neighbors in the process of reducing crime along with the fear of crime in their communities. This is done by taking a proactive approach against all criminal activities through communication, and the consistent cooperation of citizens, local government and law enforcement. Citizens participating in this program become more aware of crime prevention techniques that can help lower their risk of becoming victims.