The Pocket Park Committee met to discuss plans for the pocket park which include completing the final stretch of fencing along the south side of the park and reviewing the results of the Pocket Park Parent Huddle.
Results from the meeting:

  1. Pocket Park Work Day: The April pocket park work day was successful. All raking and pruning was completed and the park was seeded in early April. It was determined that an additional work day was needed to put the final spring touches on the park. Many thanks to the dedicated committee members who donate their time and talent to ensuring the pocket park remains a valuable asses this community. Specifically John Carmer who provided weed killer and Taylor Hampton who provided mulch. Additionally, Taylor has volunteered to plant flowers in the front urns.
  2. Hole-Digging for Fence: This will be a task for the next work day on June 22, 2019 at 9:00 AM. Volunteers are urgently needed. No experience necessary. Just a desire to enjoy the company of good people.
  3. Screen for Movie Area that Attaches to Bench: Hosting movies in the park is an overdue activity. The Pocket Park Committee is determined to make sure that the neighborhood can enjoy HMP movie nights in the park. Both John Carmer and Sharon Gamble have volunteered to determine a plan to get the canvas installed. This involves getting the canvas out of storage, locating the blueprint that shows how to connect the screen, and consulting a contractor to about machine use to mount grommets or if it can be mounted without grommet use.
  4. Park Fixes and Maintenance:
    1. The front gate needs fixing. It is out of alignment and will no longer close.
    2. The playstation needs to be re-stained.
    3. The Little Free Library needs more children’s books.
  5. Parent Huddle: The Parent Huddle discussed plans for a new and improved play space for the neighborhood children. Anyone interested in contributing to this ongoing discussion can contact Cassie Mehlman Rhys at for more information.
  6. Transition Park to the Board: After the above projects and improvements, the Pocket Park Committee will hand the park off to the HMPNA Board. The transition from committee responsibility to Board responsibility is only the beginning. For several years many dedicated HMP residents guided the park from an undeveloped lot to the gathering space that the neighborhood enjoys today. Over the years some Pocket Park Committee members have left and others have filled their place. Today, as the development and completion of the park looms near, the committee members are Cassie Mehlman-Rhys, Sharon Gamble, Karla Johnson, John Carmer, and Taylor Hampton.