Look around and one can’t help but to notice there is a lot of interest in homes in HMP. It’s clear to everyone that this is the place to be. Whether it’s the fast sell of a home or an investor sending unsolicited requests to purchase your home from under you, HMP has a lot to offer. This month’s post is dedicated to the new HMP family members.
HMP is a close knit community. It is not uncommon to see neighbors chatting on the sidewalk while walking their dogs or out for a jog or children riding their bikes or playing a game of hide and seek. It is the interconnectedness of HMP that gives it the sense of community so many people seek. Social events are always an exciting way to meet the neighbors. HMP has multiple social event each year including block parties, Cajun Brunch, and the Fall Chili and Cornbread cookout to name just a few. And as with all social events, the more people that attend, the merrier.
For those that are new to the neighborhood and are looking for a way to get to know your neighbors, there are many opportunities to get involved. In December there will be elections to the Board. The HMP Neighborhood Association Board usually meets once a month at a neighbor’s home. Depending on the mix of members, meetings can be fast and furious or long and engaging, but they are always useful. The HMPNA Board is an important part of HMP life. Board members set the direction and tone of the neighborhood. They set agendas for the direction of the neighborhood for the year. They plan social events and fundraisers such as the Home Tour.
Speaking of the Home Tour, there is an opportunity to participate on the Home Tour 2020 planning committee. This event does not happen every year but a lot of planning goes into it when it does occur. The more hands on deck, the lighter the load for everyone. The Board is looking for committee members to help organize the biggest and most visible neighborhood event. Email Ryan Noel at president@historicmeridianpark.org if you’re interested.
Other opportunities include:
- Assisting with Urban Times delivery on your block
- Hosting a neighborhood social event
- Participating in the Beautification Committee
- Participating in an alley clean-up
- Coordinating a crime watch program
- Participating in pocket park work days
- Reviving the Senior Advocacy Program
Communication is important in HMP. There are several ways in which neighbors get information. In addition to this web site, information is communicated to neighbors by:
- HMP neighborhood’s news is published monthly in The Urban Times which is distributed by block captains to neighborhood residents.
- If you have news to be distributed, we can be reached via email at info@historicmeridianpark.org.
- For those residents who’d like to receive email notices about social gatherings, crime watch reports, and information of value to the neighborhood, we have an email list. Subscribe to our newsletter.
- We have a closed group on Facebook. Request to be added. Please be sure to answer the question about your street address.
- We have an open page on Facebook for promoting public events such as our home tour and garage sale.
- We have a Twitter feed.
- We are on Instagram which is mainly used during home tour times.
- Our neighborhood is in Nextdoor.
Planning for the Annual Progressive Dinner will be underway soon. As a reminder, this neighborhood favorite is for current dues paying members ONLY. If you would like to participate in the Progressive Dinner, or host part of the event, please see any Board member for information or to pay association dues.