When: Sunday, December 14, 2014 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Where: Residence of Doug Day, 210 E. 33rd Street
We will be celebrating the holiday season with food, drinks, and good friends and neighbors. Guests are asked to bring a side dish, bottle of wine, or dessert to share. HMPNA will provide heavy hor d’oeuvres, non-alcoholic drinks, and wine.
As anticipated, Santa will make an appearance at the party, visit the children, pass out gifts, lead carols and pose for pictures. Parents should bring a small wrapped gift of $10 or less with their child’s name clearly printed on the gift for Santa to give to the child. Gifts should be dropped off by Saturday December 13th at the Johnson-Nichols residence at 3223 N. Washington Blvd.