The Historic Meridian Park Renovation Guidelines have been compiled to provide residents and property owners of our historic district with a set of guidelines relating to appropriate exterior/interior modifications in order to preserve and protect the architectural features of the district structures and properties.
2024 HMPNA Members
The following people and organizations have paid their 2024 dues:
Kevin & Christina Asselin
Eric Baiz
Kyle & Brittany Barnett
John Barry
Brian & Kristen Behling
Ed Bentley & Edward Quarles
Robert & Kelly Bentley
Nolan Bernard & Portia Bailey-Bernard
David Blane & Shari Shires-Blane
Jamie Brady
Becca Brill
Zavier Brown & Teylor Ellis
Brian & Kamarra Buening
David & Mary Louise Cardwell
John Carmer & Don Watson
Carmer Watson Properties
Dan Clerget & Christina Lear
David Conrad & Jay van Santen
Shane Cottom & Lacey Minton
Jeff & Leah Crane
Stephen & Kelsi Crawford
Clayton & JoJo De Fur
Anthony Dunham
Shanda Eickelberger
Kaylee Ellis & Joselyn Sands
Alex & Shelby Ervin
Kee & Jessica Gales
Sharon Gamble
Ember Garner
Chris & Anne Gautier
JoAnn Giannini
Peter & Giulianna Gray
De’Amon & Janeen Harges
Nancy Hiestand
Carlene Hiner
Rachel Holliday
Steve & Dorothea Irwin
Lowell Iverson
Nick Jansen & Stacy Wasmuth
Karla Johnson
Kyle Kellam & Anna Zimmerman
Justin Keller
Rebecca & Cara Kirkpatrick
Marshall Kowal
Nicole Lalor
Grant Lamie
Jess LaNore
Elizabeth Lecklider
Brent Lehker & Michelle McGuire
Janet Lewis
Drew & Amy Lurker
Rob & Steven MacPherson-Stolen
Kendall & Mackenzie McQuay
Bob Mead
Cassie Mehlman-Rhys & Marlana Haig
Ada & James Minor
Carol Mullins
Ryan & Sarah Noel
Andrew & Cathryn Parsons
Adam & Laurie Pierce
Keith Pringle & Amy Pearce
Jessica Rak
Josh & Allison Reeves
Zach & Stephanie Reeves
Andrew Rewald & Ellie Hall
David Reynolds & Lisa Acobert
Jean Richcreek
Scott & Jeanne Rieger
Chris Roberson & Brooke Towns
Fred Rohlman & Emily Tenbrink
Noah Sheldon
Todd Shelton & Ian Weber
Jason & Lindsey Shine
Steven & Samantha Slaubaugh
David Sockrider & Mary Goodwin
Ben & Deb Sternke
Alex & Sheena Tatum
Stephen Towns & Jeanette Holloway
Hope Tribble
Trinity Episcopal Church
Ryan & Angela Troxel
Greg & Gretchen Turner
Rick & Lorraine Vavul
Mark Webb & Lee Smith
Matthew Wolf & Keegan Koehlinger-Wolf