Social Gatherings:
Dues pay for items needed to support the many social gatherings that our residents enjoy. Items such as eating utensils, plates, drinks, food, and event signage are all purchased with funds supported by HMP dues. The social events are a jewel in our community and help promote a close, cohesive community that is a great place to raise a family or retire.
Neighborhood Beautification:
Dues support alley cleanup activities. In an attempt to keep the alleys clean and safe, HMP arranges with the City of Indianapolis for the use of city equipment aid in alley cleanup activities. Neighborhood volunteers and city personnel spend a weekend morning in the spring and fall cleaning the alleys. The supplies needed to create and maintain the beautiful roundabout at 32nd and Pennsylvania St. and the median at 33rd and Pennsylvania St. are purchased by HMP. Social Program: Do you know a senior in the neighborhood that has received assistance from the Senior Advocate program? HMP dues help support the Senior Advocate program and, in return, directly support the seniors in our neighborhood.
Equipment Use:
Planning a gathering at your home? Need table and chairs for your guest? If you’ve paid your HMP dues and are an HMP resident, you may borrow the table and chairs used at the neighborhood social gatherings for free. The tent may be rented for a mere $25. Residents wishing to use the table, chairs, and/or tent are asked to contact the Board treasurer at least 3 weeks in advance. See PAGE for contact information. Neighbors will need to arrange for pick-up and drop-off of the equipment and should plan to return the items in clean condition.
Yard Sale:
Neighbors participating in the neighborhood yard sale receive advertising in the Indianapolis Star.