Spring has finally arrived in Historic Meridian Park. Easter has passed and the candy left by the Easter Bunny has long since been gobbled up. Flowers are ready to bloom, fresh rain washes the last remnants of winter off the pavement, green lawns burst to life, and warmer weather begins to make its entrance into our lives. Ushering in our springtime are proms, graduations, spring sports at Tab, yard work, gardens, and, best of all, more daylight hours to get it all done.
Neighbors slowly emerge from their hibernation and venture outside of their homes to greet one another each other and catch up on old news. It’s a time when new neighbors get the full flavor of life in HMP. Whether it is children playing on the sidewalk or riding their bikes throughout the neighborhood, neighbors gathering to “shoot the breeze” with one another on a front porch or gather around the barbeque grill for a meal on the deck, it is a time of new energy and new opportunities.
Neighbors who have lived in HMP a while know that we love our social gatherings. Whether it is the New Neighbor Reception, Cajun Brunch, Summer Barbeque, Christmas Party, small block party, tree planting, or gathering for our alley clean up events, there is always an opportunity for friendship and fellowship. Neighbors are always willing to answer the call to open their home to host a social event. It is with these events in minds that the HMPNA Board and a few neighbors have worked diligently over the past few years to secure a space for a pocket park.
Image the opportunities! HMP could have a pocket park within our neighborhood where we could gather for social events or just quiet reflection. A place we can call our own. It will not be a park with basketball hoops or huge playground equipment. It will be a gathering place suitable for young and old: Quiet, contemplative, reflective, and completely created and designed by HMP neighbors. So after you’ve checked the last item off your spring “to do” list, imagine taking a short stroll to the HMP pocket park to reflect on all your accomplishments. It’s worth every penny of your investment.
If you can imagine that place, then thank the list of neighbors that made it that much closer to a reality. The HMP Pocket Park Committee is pleased to announce that we have raised enough money to make an offer on the land. Thanks to our generous donors:
- Angela & David Colby
- The Esplanade
- The Esplanade Annex
- Sharon Gamble
- Joann & Robert Gianini
- Christy Krieg
- Jess LaNore
- The Local Loaf Bread
- Bob Mead
- Cassie Mehlman-Rhys & Lee Rhys
- Jean & Lamar Richcreek
- St. Richard’s
- Steve Towns
- Urban Patch
- Lorraine Vavul
If you are able to donate to the pocket park, please contact Cassie Mehlman-Rhys at cassiemehlmanrhys@gmail.com for more information about your tax deductible donation. You may also help support neighborhood causes by visiting the Café Press or subscribing to the Local Loaf Bread. Your purchases directly benefits HMP and lets you show your HMP pride while eating delicious fresh bread.